Zero waste fashion – February 15th, 2011

Eco-fashion designer launches ambitious fashion incubator

(zero.O.lab) is a collaborative project developed by successful Vancouver based eco-fashion designer, Katherine Soucie of Sans Soucie, to produce the first in house design label for My Sister’s Closet, a thrift store & clothing boutique featuring local designers and artisans.

My Sister’s Closet is a social enterprise of Battered Women’s Support Services (BWSS), a non-profit organization that provides support and advocacy for women who have experienced abuse.

This innovative fashion incubator, to be launched on Tuesday, February 15, 2011 during an evening of fashion, music and art, is a multifaceted, year-long project that aims to promote zero waste fashion.

Utilizing the unsaleable materials obtained from My Sister’s Closet, Soucie is in the process of implementing a system that will allow the organization to produce a clothing label out of these discarded materials.

The (zero.O.lab) project will also serve as a space for artists, designers and creative thinkers to conduct research on zero waste fashion, collaborate on design projects and study fashion production and consumption.

On February 15th, 2011 the first series of garments produced under the (zero.O.lab) design label will be installed at My Sister’s Closet, 1092 Seymour & Helmcken St, Yaletown.

This stylish event will feature a performance installation by artist Shannon Lazzarotto, music by High-Society and more.