Through years of offering services to women and working with them to help them overcome the impact of violence in their lives, BWSS has learned the importance of the role economic and financial freedom plays in the lives of women leaving abusive relationships. Having the needed economic skills and support increases the likelihood that women are better able to sustain themselves and their families as they look to the future.

By working with women daily we have come to understand the impact economic abuse has on a woman, as she strives to provide for herself and her children. Once women leave an abusive partner, they face multiple economic barriers to maintain their independence and meet the basic needs of their children and themselves. Economic security exists on a continuum and is fluid. Based on individual circumstances, women can move toward greater economic and personal autonomy over time. As women gain self confidence in their abilities and strengths, identify a future career path and move towards attaining independence financially, women attain greater economic security




Advancing Women’s Awareness Regarding Employment [AWARE] works with women to identify their skills, help build self- esteem and confidence, and help attain their identified career goals. This is accomplished through one to one supports and employment readiness workshops provided by our two members, AWARE team. To better meet the needs of women accessing our employment program, AWARE workshops will now move to two days a week [Tuesdays and Thursdays]. Having multiple workshops will help women arrange their schedules so that they can attend at least one workshop if not both; mothers with young children requiring care can arrange for short term care as the workshops will be 2 hours each day rather than navigating a longer day.

In addition to increasing the number of workshops offered, AWARE will be offering some targeted clinics on resumes, cover letters, interview practice, and career exploration. The first of these will be held on November 14th between 10:00am and 6:00pm. Women will be able to have an AWARE staff help them with their resume, and explore careers based on interests and past work experience.

To register for the clinic, call Michele at 778-628-1867 or email her at
