Have you heard about KNOW MORE week?
JOIN US March 5-12, 2023 as we at BWSS along with allies and activists from around the world who are saying No More and let’s KNOW More to take action intimate partner, domestic, and sexualized violence.
As a global grassroots activation aimed at making intimate partner, domestic violence and sexual assault awareness and prevention a priority year-round please email us at endingviolence@bwss.org for information and follow us on Instagram.
JOIN US along with allies and activists around the world saying #kNOwMore2023
Take Action
More events to commemorate International Women’s Month

BWSS Volunteer Recognition
Each year BWSS celebrates our committed, compassionate and wonderful volunteers during the week of International Women’s Day through our volunteer recognition dinner.
Battered Women’s Support Services would like to say a big THANK YOU to all the volunteers who are essential in the work to end gender-based violence through supporting survivors and working for systemic change.

We will be in attendance at the Equality Breakfast
BWSS is thrilled to be in attendance with our friends at Central City Foundation in support of our friends at West Coast LEAF at their Equality Breakfast.
Dorothy Roberts is the George A. Weiss University Professor of Law & Sociology at the University of Pennsylvania. She is author of Killing the Black Body; Shattered Bonds: and The Color of Child Welfare etc.
Date: Wednesday, March 8, 2023
Time: 7 am to 9:30 am PT (doors open at 6:30 am)
Location: Fairmont Hotel Vancouver

Annual Gala – DEWC Vancouver
We love the Downtown Eastside Women’s Centre and will be in attendance at Herstory — Wildflower Women of Turtle Island drum group will perform again.
Date: Wed, March 8
Time: 7:00pm PST
Location: Vancouver Art Gallery 750 Hornby St Vancouver