Ending Violence Blog

Via our award winning blog Battered Women’s Support Services provides education and advocacy as we work towards the elimination of violence.
Criminalizing Coercive Control webinar

Criminalizing Coercive Control webinar

Criminalizing Coercive Control webinar Analysis, Updates and Reflections on Legislating Coercive Control in Canada. This webinar invites discussion and input on potential impacts of the pending legislative changes and options for post-legislative policies and...

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The Justice Centre Impact Report 2023-2024

The Justice Centre Impact Report 2023-2024

In April 2023, we proudly opened the Justice Centre at BWSS, expanding the scope of what was formerly known as the Legal Services and Advocacy Program. The Justice Centre at BWSS is a community-based legal advocacy clinic dedicated to providing trauma and violence-informed, multilingual, and culturally responsive legal services to diverse women who have experienced gender-based violence in BC.

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Can one experience memory loss following an abusive relationship?

Can one experience memory loss following an abusive relationship?

The answer is YES! While the effects of abuse can manifest differently in everyone, our brains can be affected by both physical and psychological abuse. In the aftermath of an abusive relationship, many survivors find themselves grappling with trauma-based memory loss. Trauma-based memory loss in the context of abusive relationships is a complex and often misunderstood phenomenon that goes unrecognized and untreated.

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Breaking Free From Partner Abuse

Breaking Free From Partner Abuse

Breaking free from an abusive partner starts with knowing that you don’t deserve abuse and that you have rights. Abuse in any form is unacceptable, and it’s crucial to recognize that everyone has fundamental rights that should never be compromised.

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Community Makes Safe Housing for Survivors Possible

Community Makes Safe Housing for Survivors Possible

Thank you for making this possible! We are thrilled to extend our deepest gratitude to you and our incredible community for rallying behind creating safe housing for women survivors of intimate partner violence. When we started this journey, there were many who...

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16 Myths about Abusive Partners

16 Myths about Abusive Partners

There are many myths attached to domestic and intimate partner violence.  An abusive partner’s emotional problems do not cause their abusiveness. Importantly, he cannot be changed by figuring out what is bothering him, helping him feel better, or improving the...

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Understanding Online Coercive Control

Understanding Online Coercive Control

Understanding Online Coercive Control in the Context of Intimate Partner Violence Safety Resource Blog Week Five   Nowadays, many survivors' journeys to seeking safety from an abusive relationship start with technology. Technology is a powerful ally. Whether it's...

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