Share Your Voice: Tell us about your experiences of policing and gender-based violence in B.C
Will you participate in our next project “Colour of Violence II: Race, Gender, and Policing Responses to Gender-Based Violence in BC?”

Battered Women’s Support Services (BWSS) is excited to announce the launch of our next participatory research project, Colour of Violence II: Race, Gender, and Policing Responses to Gender-Based Violence in BC.
We know that police are a primary interface for many survivors of gender-based violence. This project will gather community-based accounts of police responses to survivors across BC who have reported, or choose not to report, gender-based violence to the police. Specifically, we will assess police responses to survivors of gender-based violence, such as: police action or police inaction; police attitudes towards survivors reporting gender-based violence; the criminalization and/or arrest of survivors reporting gender-based violence; and police adherence to policies created to protect survivors.
The geographic scope of this project includes Vancouver Island, Northern BC, the Interior of BC, and the Lower-Mainland. It will center the experiences of Indigenous, Back, newcomer immigrant/refugee, and racialized survivors to provide specific insights into the intersection of race and gender in police interactions with racialized survivors of gender-based violence in BC.
Share your Voice!
There are many voices for you to be involved and to share your voice. Your voice will support BWSS in assessing police responses to survivors of gender-based violence.
1. Anonymous Survey
If you are willing to discuss your experiences related to policing and gender-based violence in BC, take our online survey and enter the draw for a $100 gift card
2. Racialized Survivors
We will also be conducting one-on-one interviews with Indigenous, Black, newcomer immigrant/refugee, and racialized survivors virtually, in-person, and over the phone to document police responses to racialized survivors. You will receive $200 compensation for your time.
If you are a racialized survivor who is interested in a one-on-one interview, please fill out this form >
3. Frontline Workers
We will be hosting focus groups with frontline workers in the anti-violence sector. We will be discussing workers’ experiences supporting racialized survivors of gender-based violence navigating policing and criminal legal systems in BC. If you participate in one of our 3-hour focus groups, you will receive $150 compensation.
If you are a frontline anti-violence worker, please fill out this form >
Your participation is important to us!
We hope that this community-based research will lead to improved understandings of what is needed to create safety for survivors of gender-based violence in B.C. Safety changes everything.