BWSS offers training for young women and men who want to volunteer for our YOUth Ending Violence Program to facilitate workshops for youth. To provide youth with knowledge on the difference between healthy and abusive relationships; understanding the dynamics of abuse; learn where and how to obtain help; understand the role of social media and the media on youth in dating relationships; and to support youth to feel empowered to speak out against dating violence and sexism.
Join Battered Women’s Support Services, facilitate dating violence prevention workshops for youth.
Participants will learn:
Root Causes of Gender Violence & Dating Violence
Media Literacy Skills
Role of Social Media and Gender Based Violence
Group Facilitation Skills
Presentation Skills
Leadership Skills
Empowered Bystander Intervention
Training Sessions: February 13-14 and 20-21
To register or for more information call RONA at 778-558-7179 or email
Knowledge Philanthropist – Evaluation Plan Developer Required
Tsawwassen First Nation (TFN), Tsleil-Waututh First Nation, Battered Women’s Support Services, BC Society for Male Survivors of Sexual Abuse, Native Courtworker and Counselling Association of BC, and Fraser Health Authority are partners in a project funded by the Community Action Initiative grant.
The three-year project aims to address the impact of child sexual abuse (stemming from the residential school system) in adult survivors and perpetrators in two Coast Salish communities, using educational, counselling, cultural practices and community justice approaches.
Please note that this is a knowledge philanthropist position and is unpaid. In collaboration with the project partners, an evaluator plan developer is required to develop an evaluation plan for the project. This is a 3-month volunteer position. The evaluator is only expected to develop the evaluation plan; we will recruit another knowledge philanthropist to conduct the actual evaluation. A reference can be provided after the evaluation plan is completed, and we can discuss what other non-monetary benefits can be provided.
Desired Qualifications
Training and/or experience in project evaluation is an asset
Very good verbal and written communication skills, including report-writing
Good organizational and time management skills
Relevant computer skills, such as word-processing, internet and email
Ability to work independently and to collaborate with the project partners and others as needed
Experience working with First Nations individuals and/or knowledge of Coast Salish communities and cultures is an asset but not required
Please send aletter of interest and resume, or for more information, contact Vilayvanh at TFN.
Health advocates are engaging men in sexual assault prevention, challenging the negative aspects of traditional manhood.
Dean Courtney Robinson leads a session with students (Natascha Yogachandra)
School is out on a Wednesday and the dean of students’ office at Facing History High School is full, but these kids aren’t here for detention. Dean Courtney Robinson, who has thick arms covered with tattoos and hair pulled back into a braided bun, looks over the room as high school boys shuffle in and out. Some wear sweatshirts with hoods pulled floppily over their heads; others wear navy polos embroidered with a special insignia: tiny hands clasped around a globe.
They chat, complain, and tease one another until precisely 1:35 p.m., when Robinson ushers out the hangers-on while those in the polos plop into seats for a meeting of the Human United Strength Organization, or HUSO. The conversation topics range from rap music to Malcolm X but the subtext always centers on the meaning of masculinity.
A senior named Devante Moore usually talks about basketball. He speaks faster and faster as he becomes angrier and angrier. Apparently, this year’s coach isn’t his favorite. John Susana, a freshman, mentions in a mumble that his grades are good, and his small audience claps for his success.
Room 227 is a safe place. One boy shares that his favorite Christmas gift was a hug from his mom. It’s a supportive place. Robinson listens intently to the students’ problems and responds with short suggestions for nonviolent solutions. It’s a male place, a haven for these high-school boys to talk about the things they ordinarily would find difficult to air in public.
They call it the HUSO Mentoring Group, or HMG, an after-school offshoot of the HUSO umbrella organization, which Robinson established at Facing History in Hell’s Kitchen. He hopes to see his group replicated in more city schools, even though there are already a number of similar male-oriented clubs operating under other leadership across the United States.
The purpose of these programs is to give boys the chance to rethink maleness, and to change the way men treat women and each other. Moore, the one who always brings up basketball, says that the group isn’t for the weak-minded. “This is for people who got strong minds; who are willing to step up to the plate and really become a young man.”
Organizers say the construct works once the young men decide to participate. Getting them in the door and then finding the money to keep the doors open are often the two biggest challenges.
* * *
When Robinson started his organization, he did not know he would become part of a much larger movement that has been working for the past 40 years to engage men in the prevention of violence against women. Mentoring for him started at his home in Harlem when he was just a boy. His mother kept the front door open for any child in need, and those who came also looked informally to Robinson for advice. He now tells his club members that they’re walking examples of respectful male students, ones who choose conversation over clenched fists.
The first such experiments emerged in the late-1960s and early-1970s during the second wave of the feminist movement, when male activists realized the positive impact of their support in the battle for women’s rights.
Termed “anti-sexists,” these men supported the rights of their female partners and initially seemed to be little more than a weak and scattered army without provisions or direction. But after the First National Conference on Men and Masculinity in 1975, structure soon followed, resulting in the establishment of the National Organization for Men Against Sexism.
As gender studies gained credibility as an academic discipline around the same time, some scholars of feminist theory began to develop a new focus, known as masculinity studies. Dr. Ronald Levant played a significant role in the development of masculinity ideology, something he defines as “an individual’s internalization of cultural belief systems and attitudes toward masculinity and men’s roles.”
In 1992, he and his colleagues created the Male Role Norms Inventory, which measures adherence to seven norms of the Western masculinity ideology: Avoidance of Femininity, Fear and Hatred of Homosexuals, Self-Reliance, Aggression, Achievement/Status, Non-Relational Attitudes Toward Sex, and Restrictive Emotionality. Research influenced by Levant’s inventory has since revealed that men who embrace more traditional Western masculine ideology are reluctant to discuss condom use with their partners, have less satisfactory relationships, and harbor attitudes that often lead to the sexual harassment of women.
So instead of putting resources into warning women about dark streets and risqué clothing, which unfairly burdens women with assault prevention, advocates for female victims of sexual abuse, such as Lina Juarbe Botella, realize that their primary focus should be on changing the behavior of abusive men. “Women cannot be safe,” Botella says, “until men know how to behave.”
Tony Porter and Ted Bunch founded A Call to Men in 2002 after being heavily involved in social justice activism for several years. Botella, the organization’s training director, said that the two founders “meet men where they’re at physically and emotionally,” to encourage them to act as positive role models for their communities. But the two men also acknowledge the debt they owe to the women like Botella’s predecessors, who came before them as workers for the same cause.
Botella admitted that she originally had difficulty accepting men as partners in the field of female advocacy. But her current focus on prevention has taught her how to embrace their presence.
“I can’t take any credit for it, but Tony and Ted had a lot of wisdom on how to be with men, all types of men, from the barbershop to the boardroom. This is really a men’s issue,” she added. “We need to engage men so that we can ensure a collective liberation.”
A Call to Men’s mission goes beyond working with men of violence to include community leaders, fathers, brothers, and uncles. “If I have my arms stretched out open to symbolize all the men in our society, a small percentage of them are abusers,” Botella explained. “We particularly focus on men who are on the other side, who are on the line, who might stop those jokes or [help] create a society without confrontation.” When someone shares a sexist joke by the office water cooler, A Call to Men wants male bystanders to shut it down before he gets to the punchline.
Jamie Utt, who describes himself as a diversity and inclusion consultant, travels around the United States to speak at schools about positive sexuality, bullying prevention, and student leadership.
“I think that we can motivate people to act,” he said over Skype from his home in Minnesota, “but it so often comes from a place of charity, you know? We’re trying to motivate men to change masculinity for women, but then it’s this paternalistic sort of charity versus trying to get men to change masculinity because of their personal investment in it and their relationships.”
Utt knows well there are no gold medals or blue ribbons for advocacy work. He said he just wants men to realize the importance of engaging with their partners and responding to their needs. That way, they can help build communities in which all members feel safe, and masculinity is inclusive and not violent.
Carlos Andrés Gómez shares a similar message. He came to realize the negative consequences of most traditionally masculine behavior through a series of shallow relationships, fights with his father, and losses both personal and material. Already an HBO Def Jam poet, actor, and public speaker, he added author to that list in 2012 with his book Man Up: Reimagining Modern Manhood. In it, he writes about renouncing his identity as a guy known for liking to pick a fight and then taking up another as a poet—”a journey to becoming a man, a different kind of man, a man who lives and moves and acts outside of the predetermined boundaries of masculinity,” he says in the book.
“I mean, so much about toxic masculinity is all about hoping the world doesn’t see how hard you’re trying,” he said. “Whether it’s a guy rocking 28-inch rims, or a guy outside of a party with his shirt ripped off, beating his chest, yelling at the top of his lungs, or a guy bragging how big his dick is—it’s all about this performance. It’s all a performance to hope the world doesn’t see that there’s a little boy in there who’s shaking and scared and hurting.”
The topic of privilege repeatedly came up during our discussion—the privilege society confers on men, the privilege society ascribes to being white or sometimes even just appearing to be white, as in the case of the blue-green-eyed Gómez. He prides himself on being able to walk into a room and completely disorient those he encounters. Gómez is well-built; his large shoulders and arms signal days spent at the gym. He “plays up” his masculinity when he walks into a school, “very much by design,” he assures me, but when he delivers emotional poems on stage, he leaves tears on his cheeks. Much in the way that Robinson tries to reshape masculinity in Room 227, Gómez does so when he performs in front of an audience. The two men may have different approaches, but they work toward the same goal in safe, private spaces.
Teaching young men to value the models of maleness that men like Utt, Gómez, and Robinson are forging seems to be easier in a room full of strangers than it is in the locker room or at home. Gómez recalled an expression he says he heard somewhere once: “You know, it’s like anybody can confront an enemy, but it takes a true hero to confront a friend.”
He told the story of a recent trip to Alabama where the men he met represented what he calls “the front lines of the battle” to change the way men think about their masculinity. Gómez says he prefers to speak at a place like this where, by the end of the session, a “pretty homophobic construction worker” was in tears talking about his son. To Gómez, watching that man’s transformation in the space of a one-hour meeting is “more revolutionary and more meaningful to me than 30 people who identify as activists” parroting what they already believe.
And those venues have become virtual as well as physical. Online forums have a special appeal because they provide anonymity that gives guys the chance to be curious in private. Blogs like Masculinities 101, MasculinityU, and Higher Unlearning have emerged as equivalents to Robinson’s classroom. They encourage young men to debate, ask questions, and learn about new definitions of masculinity.
Twitter and Facebook generate numerous conversations in which postings fling around buzzwords such as “pro-feminism,” “healthy masculinity” and “positive sexuality,” where male advocates tackle the issues of street harassment and sexual abuse with a keyboard.
Emiliano Diaz De Leon wishes that he had social media when he started working in the field of advocacy. His reach would have been larger, he said, to help educate young boys like himself. When Diaz De Leon was a teenager, he confessed to being violent toward women he dated and said that there had been acts of abuse in his own family. He wasn’t aware of the male support group at his high school and was surprised when the school counselor referred him to join after he acknowledged his need for help. Those early experiences led him to the job he now holds as men’s engagement specialist at the Texas Association Against Sexual Assault. Although not everyone who comes to be passionate about this kind of advocacy starts because of an early intervention, many do, and he thinks the existence of such groups is a plus.
“I think if we can get men to begin to do the work that early, that absolutely has an impact on their ability to continue doing the work as adult men.”
Diaz De Leon became the first children’s male advocate at SafePlace, the women’s shelter that was his club’s sponsor, after having participated in his own high-school group. Plenty of men had provided services to the organization—making repairs to the building and such—but none before Diaz De Leon had volunteered to work with the shelter’s clients.
“It was really the women, both the leadership at SafePlace and in the shelter, who took a risk, who both mentored me and challenged me and held me accountable,” he said. While some women were receptive to his presence, others had a hard time with it. “They had experienced a tremendous amount of violence from men who looked like me.”
He felt the weight of being the first positive male role model to which most of the children had ever been exposed.
“It really forces you, every day, to think about your behavior, language, the way that you walk, the way that you talk, the way that you are around the people in the shelter,” he said.
* * *
One afternoon at the meeting in Room 227, the group starts to argue about the value of money. Sentences overlap and the boys grab at any second of silence to shout out their opinions. As they debate, Robinson listens. He waits for the right moment to jump in and when he does, some of the boys are too involved in conversation to hear him. “Yo yo yo, one mic, one mic,” a few call out. It’s a phrase used often by the students during meetings to avoid interruptions. The rest stop to give their mentor the floor. Robinson doesn’t have to ask for their respect; he’s earned it.
“I’ve had teachers that don’t come from the same type of environment as these kids, and they’re like, ‘Wow, Courtney, how do you do that? You ask them to do something and they do it!'”
It’s simple, he says. He doesn’t dictate; he explains. When discussion centers on the words “female” and “bitch,” Robinson doesn’t respond aggressively when a student says that he only uses “bitch” because sometimes “she acts like one.” Instead, he puts the word into perspective, asking the boy how he would feel if that word was used to describe his mother or sister.
“Regardless of how you feel about her, somebody loves her,” Robinson reminds the student. “And there isn’t anything you can say to justify how you’re treating her.” They listen.
The group’s members also know that when Robinson was asked to leave Facing History and become the New York supervisor for Men Can Stop Rape, he turned the offer down to stay with them. This is why: “Me seeing y’all and being here to support you all [to] graduate and move forward and be able to deal with your problems, and help you all make it through and give you all advice means more to me than whatever dollar amount they were going to give me.”
“That’s love,” one of the students says. And the rest clap.
Battered Women’s Support Services Society is hiring…
Women’s Safety and Outreach Support Worker
16 hours per week – Saturday and Sunday 5pm-1am
Additional day shifts or evening shifts may be required
Battered Women’s Support Services is currently hiring for a part time position of Women’s Safety and Outreach Support Worker. This is a part-time position of 16 hours a week working in the Downtown Eastside and out of various locations in Vancouver and the BWSS office.
Purpose of Position
This position works to support consistent institutional and systemic woman centered responses based on practices to prevent violence and sexual exploitation through education awareness, outreach activities and intervention for women and girl survivors of gender violence in the Downtown Eastside Vancouver, BC. This position provides feminist based legal and systems based information, crisis intervention, safety planning, advocacy, accompaniment and referral to women and female youth survivors of sexual and physical assault and violence in intimate relationships and/or criminal harassment.
Key Responsibilities
• Delivers services as program demands require, in accordance with BWSS Statement of Philosophy
• Provides crisis intervention in accordance with BWSS Empowerment model
• Undertake specific outreach to increase program accessibility for women who don’t access mainstream services during mainstream hours including young women, Indigenous women, seniors, Immigrant women and women who do sex work
• Provides assessment and safety planning
• Provides information, resources, advocacy and referrals
• Assists women in accessing other services
• Provides direct services in person and over the phone. Provides coverage where gaps in coverage exist.
• As a member of the Crisis Team trains, orientates, supervises and evaluates women volunteers
• Promotes public awareness, public education and attends community events
• Participates in the developing of support groups for women from various communities living in Vancouver and in the Lower Mainland
• Co-facilitates support groups
• Prepares reports and compile statistics
• Participates in debriefing and case consultation with her supervisor, BWSS staff and volunteers
• Performs other duties as defined in job description
• A strong feminist analysis of violence against women which addresses the understanding of power and its interconnections among gender, race, culture, class, physical ability, sexual orientation, and age as well as all forms of oppression based on experience of colonization, religion, ethnicity and heritage.
• Extensive training, experience and education in a directly related field.
Knowledge of the Criminal Justice System and other systems as they relate to violence against women
• Strong crisis intervention skills
• Able to utilize effective communication and positive relationships to assist women through a problem-solving process.
• Solid understanding of the dynamics of violence and sexual assault against women and girls in relationships and the cycle of abuse
• Ability to speak other language(s) an asset.
• Experience working with women and girl survivors of violence and sexual/physical assault
• Good organization and time management skills
• Well developed communication skills both written and oral
• Experience working on the Downtown Eastside or comparable community
• Strong computer literacy in Word and Excel required
• Experience and ability to co-facilitate support groups
• Ability to work effectively independently and within a team, energetic and self motivated
• Strong work ethics
• Familiar with the issues and needs that refugee and immigrant women’s experience
• Knowledge and experience working with survivors of historic racism and the impact of colonization
• Strong conflict resolution skills and strong commitment to working as a positive member of a team.
• Willing and open to give and receive feedback
• Demonstrated cultural competency including awareness of diverse marginalized communities in Lower Mainland and ability to work with women from various cultural communities
• Strong commitment to work towards ending violence against women and girls and a proactive stand to address all forms of oppression in women’s lives
• Availability to work evenings and have flexible hours
• Valid Class 5 BC Drivers License
• Satisfactory criminal record search
This position requires union membership. As a bona fide job requirement this position will be held by a woman. Send cover letter and resume detailing how you meet or exceed these qualifications to:
P.O. Box 21503 1424 Commercial Dr., Vancouver, BC, V5L 5G2
Fax: 604-687-1864, Email: No telephone calls please
Application Closing Date: November 9 2012 at 5:00 pm
Project Coordinator: Community Mapping for Women’s Safety
WISH Drop-In Centre Society
JOB POSTING: Project Coordinator: Community Mapping for Women’s Safety
The Women’s Coalition of the Downtown Eastside is network of women-serving organizations and women’s groups in the DTES of Vancouver, Coast Salish Territories. Our purpose is to advance women’s issues in the DTES and to ensure the safety of women in this neighbourhood as a priority and a necessity.We envision safety for women in the DTES in a holistic manner. It includes safety for women from sexual and physical violence as well as safety from the daily indignities of poverty
We prioritize the participation and engagement of women living in this community to identify how best their needs for safety can be met.
The Project:
1) To develop, in collaboration with women-serving organizations, community mapping specific to women’s safety in the Downtown Eastside through the inclusion of women who both live and work in the community. There will be a review of existing mapping and creation of new maps with a safety audit component. Issues specific to Aboriginal women will be identified. This work is intended to bring out the voices of women most affected by violence and abuse, empowering them to influence planning of City spaces and organizational commitments to women’s safety with an antiviolence and gender lens.
2) To produce Violence Against Women Forums that will included skill and capacity building sessions to strengthen community response to a range of violence experienced by women.
The Coordinator is responsible for carrying out the two parts of this project through developing the mapping process and community forums. She will engage diverse groups of community members and ensure inclusion of women most affected and vulnerable to violence in the DTES in both processes.
Key Duties and Responsibilities:
• Work with Coalition members to meet the objectives of the project.
• Maintain strong communications with Coalition oversight team through regular meetings and updates.
• Establish and maintain collaborative relationships with women-serving community agencies and women in the community.
• Engage women in the community for the design and delivery of this project.
• Develop materials for service providers explaining what is being asked of them for their involvement in engaging women in this project.
• Maintains accurate records of activities undertaken in the project
• Experience working in the Downtown Eastside or comparable community required.
• Direct supervisory experience and leadership in program management, support and coordination is required
• A strong feminist analysis of violence against women which addresses the understanding of power and its interconnections among gender, race, culture, class, physical ability, sexual orientation, and age as well as all forms of oppression based on experience of colonization, religion, ethnicity and heritage.
• Direct experience in service delivery to marginalized individuals required.
• Excellent interpersonal skills (de-briefing, active listening, conflict resolution,
group facilitation, one-on-one teaching/mentoring and direct support) essential.
• Demonstrated ability to build a strong team environment with an inclusive and collaborative
• Effective communication skills, both verbal and written.
• Strong computer literacy in Word and Excel required.
• Availability to work evenings and have flexible working hours.
• Adaptable and have the ability to maintain composure in challenging situations.
• Training and experience in conflict resolution, de-escalation, and problem solving.
HOURS: 20 hours a week for 35 weeks
SALARY: $25.00 per hour
To Apply:
By e-mail:
By mail: Wish Drop-In Centre Society
515-119 West Pender Street
Vancouver, B.C. V6B 1S5
By Fax: 604-669-9479
Closing date for applications is June 25, 2012
We thank you for your interest. Short listed candidates will be contacted for an interview
We’re looking for two women to join our dynamic and extremely committed direct services team.
Battered Women’s Support services is recruiting for a Legal Advocate and Aboriginal Women’s Liaison.
Working at Battered Women’s Support Services means joining a team of volunteers and paid employees who work as an integrated team to support individual women while advocating for social, systemic and institutional change.
Our programs are extremely busy and the issues facing women survivors of violence are complex. Working at Battered Women’s Support Services means making real change in the lives of women survivors of abuse and violence.
Internal and External Postings
Women’s Employment Liaison
Temporary Full-time to: Upon return of incumbent from Maternity Leave
40 hours per week at $ 17.60 per hour
Excellent benefits
Monday to Friday 9 am to 5 pm
Alternating Wednesdays 12:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
– Evenings and Weekends are required
Battered Women’s Support Services is currently hiring for BWSS Aboriginal Women’s Employment Program for women survivors of violence/abuse
Position Summary
The BWSS Aboriginal Women’s Employment Liaison provides case management services, assessment, counselling, training, information & referrals to women survivors of violence/abuse with BWSS Empowering Women’s Employment Program. Facilitates the development of a realistic action plan for women’s economic development and employment. Monitors progress and provides follow-up counselling and support until the action plan is completed. Provides participants with employment assistance individually and in groups. The Women’s Employment Liaison reports to the BWSS Manager of Employment Services & Programs.
BWSS Empowering Women’s Employment Program (EWEP) services include case management, individualized training, personal development, support groups, personal development exploration, employment related skills training, and educational assistance, counselling, crisis intervention, advocacy, legal advocacy and referrals to women survivors of violence in relationships and sexual assault.
Key Responsibilities:
Works from a feminist, anti-oppression perspective
Facilitates the development of a Personal Development Plan with participants, assessing interests, skills, abilities and readiness as they relate to obtaining and retaining employment and identifying barriers to employment including impact of violence and provides referral both within the organization and to other collateral agencies
Contacts potential employers in order to obtain employment opportunities, volunteer placements, job shadowing, promotes the program and develop relationships.
Provides participants with information on employment opportunities that are compatible with their interests, skills and abilities by analyzing available jobs and identifying specific tasks to match jobs to participants.
Assists in the development of monitoring mechanisms for participants job and volunteer placements
Provides support and skill development in areas related to obtaining employment such as job search strategies, job application, resume writing and interview skills.
Delivers services in groups and individually to support skill acquisition and build on current skills
Maintains and provides current employment-related information such as labour market information, employment standards regulations and information on other community resources and services.
Develops and maintains database of community partners for outreach and recruitment purposes
Deliver services with cultural relevancy, immigration/settlement and in recognition of the impact cultural genocide and colonization on Aboriginal women
Participates as a member of BWSS Empowering Women’s Employment Program Team
Promotes public awareness and support of the BWSS Empowering Women’s Employment Program by producing promotional materials and attending community events
Assists with debriefing and case consultation with BWSS Employment staff
Prepares related reports and compiles statistics on program operation and use
Minimum two years of recent related experience working with women survivors of violence
Employment counselling experience
Strong group facilitation skills & training skills
Crisis intervention skills
Feminist leadership skills
Training and education in a directly related field
Strong feminist analysis of violence against women combined with an anti-oppression commitment, awareness and analysis and demonstrated ability to apply analysis
Knowledge and experience working with Aboriginal women and knowledge of generational impact of colonization and residential school.
Knowledge and experience working with Immigrant women and understanding of settlement process
Demonstrated cultural proficiency and ability to work with women from various cultural communities
Strong conflict resolution skills and demonstrated ability to work as a member of a team
Satisfactory criminal record checks
Have experience in women’s organization and non-profit society environments
Have excellent communication skills, both verbal and written
Have proven ability to work co-operatively with colleagues and service provider in the community
Be personable, flexible and self-directed
This position requires union membership
This position is part of an organization where the sole purpose is to alleviate and address the conditions of a disadvantaged group (women who are marginalized by violence and various forms of inequalities) being female is a bona fide occupational requirement. As such, only women will be considered for this position. Only women who identify as Aboriginal, First Nations, Inuit or Metis will be considered for this position.
Application Closing Date: Wednesday, June 29nd, 2011
Resume cover letter and three references to:
Fran Smith
Fax: 604-687-1864, Email: Address: P.O Box 21503 1424 Commercial Drive, Vancouver BC V5L 5G2
Legal Advocate
Battered Women’s Support Services
Permanent Job Posting
40 hours per week
Hourly pay 21.38 per hour plus benefits
Monday to Friday 9:00 am to 5:00 p.m.
Alternating Wednesdays 12:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Additional evenings and weekends may be required
Purpose of Position
The Legal Advocacy program provides information, support and advocacy to women dealing with legal issues such as separation, divorce, custody and access, child support, and other issues related to family law, as well as immigration and other systems.
Key Responsibilities
1. Program Services:
· Provide legal information, summary of case law, legal research and general assistance to women in building strategies for their legal case.
· Assume responsibility for the over-all operations of the Legal Services and Advocacy Program.
· Work from an anti-oppression feminist analysis of violence against women
· Become familiar with and perform work consistent with the Outcome Measurement Framework
· Interviewing women, assessing/analyzing legal problems, assisting in resolving legal problems, assisting women prepare for court, preparing documents in consultation with legal supervisor
· Deliver training workshops
· Provide consultation and support to BWSS volunteers related to legal advocacy issues
· Provide consultation and support to BWSS staff related to legal advocacy issues.
· Maintain an excellent working knowledge of emergent legal-social issues related to violence against women and to seek solutions.
· Assist with the administration of all record keeping and service delivery obligations of the Law Foundation of B. C. contract, in keeping with legal and contractual obligations undertaken by the Society. Such administrative duties will include preparing refunding proposal and regular program activity reports as required by BWSS and the funder.
Application Closing Date: Wednesday, June 29nd, 2011
Resume cover letter and three references to:
Rosa Elena Arteaga
Fax: 604-687-1864, Email: Address: P.O Box 21503 1424 Commercial Drive, Vancouver BC V5L 5G2
This position requires union membership
This position is part of an organization where the sole purpose is to alleviate and address the conditions of a disadvantaged group (women who are marginalized by violence and various forms of inequalities) being female is a bona fide occupational requirement. As such, only women will be considered for this position.
Join us for an empowering workshop on combating financial abuse in abusive relationships.
📅 Date: Thursday, July 13
📍 Location: Commercial Drive, Vancouver BC
⏰ Time: 10 am - 4 pm PST
Register now! Spots are limited:
An Edmonton man convicted of killing his pregnant wife and dumping her body in a ditch has been granted full parole.
The Parole Board of Canada granted Michael White full parole in late May.…
Economic Empowerment Strategies
This curriculum is designed to support women assessing and redressing the impact of economic abuse.