Building Knowledge for the Front-line
Strategic Intervention Training
"Balanced Refugee Reform Act"
Battered Women’s Support Services (BWSS) offers training for front line workers and service providers who work or are interested in learning about effective strategies to support women who experience intimate violence and abuse.
As of December 1, 2011 or soon thereafter there will be significant changes to the refugee determination system as the "Balanced Refugee Reform Act" is implemented. The implications will be many and through this training we will aimed to support the work that it is being done to support Non-Status, Refugee and Immigrant Women.
During this training participants will learn:
Changes and the impact that the Balanced Refugee Reform Act will have on the lives of the women we work with
Analysis on gender persecution
Practical strategies on how to support NSRI Women
Key resources
An opportunity for networking and build solidarity with other service providers
"Balanced Refugee Reform Act"
Presenters, Immigration lawyers: Peter Edelmann, presenting on the Balanced Refugee Reform Act and Lobat Sadrehashemi, presenting on Gender Persecution
When: Wednesday November 2nd, 2011
Time: 1-3pm
Where: SFU Harbour Centre, rooms 1420 -1430
Sliding scale, $0-$20
to register email: